CT: High school musical includes kiss by two male students

A Connecticut high school musical caused a public walkout after two men in the cast kissed during the performance, reports CBS Connecticut. The kiss occurred during a performance of the musical “Zanna Don’t!” at Hartford Public High School. “There was a public walkout by a bunch of students (when the kiss happened) … mostly male,” Johnson said. “It was visually evident (due to the jerseys the team was wearing) that a lot of football players got up and walked out. It was almost a symbolic kind of thing.”

Reportedly, the school began receiving a great number of phone calls. The dean of students was even allegedly paid a visit by a parent. “In the weeks prior … we were told by those organizing the play that there was going to be a boy-boy kiss,” said Johnson, noting the importance of accepting homosexual intimacy as society accepts heterosexual intimacy. “When one teacher asked if I wanted to remove it, I said absolutely not.”


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