As with same-sex “marriage” and the agenda that followed its legalization here in Massachusetts, the homosexuals and their advocates have been anything but satisfied with the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” That repeal is set to take place in two weeks, but homosexuals are already asking for Outserve, an underground homosexual magazine, to be distributed on military bases. In addition, the group that led the fight to repeal DADT is asking for housing and benefits for same-sex spouses of personnel in direct violation of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the federal law that prevents the military from recognizing same-sex marriages, and awarding housing and transportation allowances to same-sex partners.
The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network has written to Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta urging him to extend military housing and other benefits to the same-sex spouses of personnel. They are also calling on Congress for the repeal of the DOMA.
Gay groups are also pushing to have “sexual orientation” added to non-discrimination rules and to draft regulations to ensure that homosexuals “will be treated with respect and dignity.”
For more information, read this article in the Washington Times.