FRC: GOP Sticks to Its Guns on Troop Ban

From the Family Research Council:

Count the U.S. military among the many Americans who could benefit from new leadership in the White House. According to some analysts, a new President would have enough executive authority to block open homosexuals from the military. Although the commander-and-chief couldn’t reinstate the 1993 statute without Congress’s support, he or she could make it a matter of military regulation and bypass Congress altogether. “If a Republican President were to take that path,” homosexual activist Aubrey Sarvis warned, “it would essentially return the military to the pre-[Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell] era, when gays were banned under regulation.” At least three GOP candidates are on record in support of the ban: Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), who said last weekend that she would reinstate it as President, Sen. Rick Santorum, and Gov. Mitt Romney. What a welcome change it would be for our troops to have a commander-in-chief who tries to minimize distractions–not create them with radical social policy.


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