Media misleads on new polling on same-sex “marriage”

The media was more than excited to report on a recent poll that showed for the first time that the majority of Americans supported same-sex “marriage.” However, a new poll out from Public Opinion Strategies (POS) says otherwise. It found that 62 percent of Americans agreed with the statement, “I believe marriage should be defined only as the union of one man and one woman.” Beyond that, 53 percent strongly agreed, and only 35 percent disagreed.

“In recent surveys, the press seems intent on creating the illusion that there’s momentum for same-sex ‘marriage,” says FRC President Tony Perkins. “But unlike other polling, which has to twist questions to elicit a liberal response, [Alliance Defense Fund]’s survey was a straight-forward, comprehensive look at the attitudes towards marriage today.”

The media had been giving much airtime to a poll by the Washington Post/ABC that found 44 percent believing gay marriage should be “illegal” while 53 percent said it should legal. NOM President Brian Brown disputed these results, pointing out that it used the word “illegal” and implied that same-sex couples would be arrested for entering into a gay marriage. I wonder if the media will report these new results? I wouldn’t hold my breath.

And though ADF sponsored the survey, POS is anything but a “conservative” polling firm. POS has routinely done polling for Fortune 100 companies, members of Congress, NBC News/Wall Street Journal, and National Public Radio (NPR). The survey polled 1,500 adults in May. POS’s management said the number perfectly mirror what’s going on at the ballot box: “More than 63 million Americans in 31 states have voted on constitutional marriage amendment. Forty million of them (63% of total voters) have voted to affirm marriage as a union of a man and a woman.”

Source: Family Research Council


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