Seven years later, and still no vote


On Tuesday, gay activists celebrated seven years of legalized same-sex “marriage” here in Massachusetts. It was seven years ago that our great Commonwealth started handing out marriage licenses to same-sex couples.  And while some stand and celebrate this anniversary, many pause to remember that the people have yet to vote on the definition of marriage.

Voters in 31 other states have been given a voice, and have resoundingly protected traditional marriage in every public vote. With the results of the November election, a number of other states are in the process of letting their people vote on the definition of marriage. Yet, the Massachusetts Legislature deemed themselves wiser than the voters, choosing to kill the Marriage Amendment instead of allowing the people to cast their ballots.

During the run up to that critical vote in 2007, our opponents repeatedly said that no negative effects would come of their radical social experiment. Today, instruction and indoctrination is more prevalent than ever in the state’s public school systems. We find more and more censorship of Christian and traditional values cropping up in schools, workplaces and beyond. Over a third of Massachusetts citizens fear retribution of they speak out against same-sex “marriage.”

With Pandora’s box open, the overall agenda of same-sex “marriage” advocates continues to unfold right in front of our eyes. Not satisfied with simply redefining marriage and family, our radical opponents are out to redefine what it means to be a man and a woman, male and female. And they are willing to sacrifice commonsense,  modesty, privacy and safety in the process.

Exactly three weeks from today, the Judiciary Committee will once again hear testimony on the Transgender Rights “Bathroom Bill.” On Wednesday, June 8 at 1pm in the Gardner Auditorium of the State House, advocates and opponents will sit before the members of the committee and present their cases. There will be emotionally charged rhetoric from our opponents, while the panels on our side deliver reasoned and professional testimony against this onerous bill.

Please mark your calendars for June 8. Prepare to come to the State House, whether to testify or to provide visible opposition to the Bathroom Bill. MFI has been a strong voice for values on Beacon Hill for more than 20 years, but our successes are thanks to your participation. We need your help once again, and though we still yearn for a vote to restore marriage, the battles being fought now are no less important.

For our families,

P.S. Our opponents are ramping up their State House lobbying efforts in advance of the Judiciary Committee hearing, and we must respond in kind. Please consider a generous donation today to help us launch a radio and media blitz against the “Bathroom Bill.” CLICK HERE to donate today. Thank you and God bless.


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