Rhode Island seeks to avoid SSM with civil unions

With same-sex “marriage” now dead in Rhode Island for this session, the debate switches to the so-called compromise of same-sex “civil unions.” This solution, of course, is not one that either side of the marriage debate wants, though one side should be more open to it than the other.

As was proven in Vermont and Connecticut, same-sex “civil unions” is the gateway to full same-sex “marriage.” If homosexual activists were not in such a rush to redefine marriage and family, they would see this and openly accept “civil unions” right now to get full same-sex “marriage” in a year or two.

On the flip side, however, those supporting natural marriage should fight “civil unions” with as much fervor as they successfully stopped same-sex “marriage” in the Ocean State. Yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee heard testimony on the civil unions bill, and our friends at the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) were there to oppose this supposed compromise.

“It is an engraved invitation to the five members of the Rhode Island Supreme Court to redefine marriage without a vote of the people,” said Christopher Plante, executive director of Rhode Island’s chapter of NOM. Beyond that, the bill also puts forth no defense of marriage, and does not protect the religious liberties of individuals, churches, business people, or licensed professionals.

We are following the situation closely in Rhode Island, and have offered any assistance we can in their fight. We encourage you to contact your friends, family and colleagues in Rhode Island and ask them to get active. They should start by contacting their legislators, and if possible, contact NOM-RI and volunteer. More information can be found at www.riformarriage.com.


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