Foreboding ruling out of UK on rights of Christians

Last week, the high court for Great Britain dealt a huge blow to religious liberty. Owen and Eunice Johns have welcomed more than 15 children in their home as foster children, but social services has now flagged them for their faith. Under England’s new “sexual equality laws,” the state decided that their beliefs about homosexuality disqualified them as foster parents. “All we were not willing to do,” said Eunice, “was tell a small child that homosexuality was a good thing.”

On March 1, Lord Justices James Munby and Jack Beeston, ruled that Britain is a "multicultural society" whose laws "do not include Christianity." The court banned the couple from the foster care system, arguing that the right of homosexuals "should take precedence" over the right of believers to exercise their faith.

NOTE: this is virtually the same language used by Chai Feldblum, President Obama’s appointee as Commissioner of the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, in her assessment of homosexual rights versus religious freedom.

“In perhaps the greatest irony, this couple was trying to give children what homosexuals cannot—a loving mother and father,” said my friend Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council. This ruling is eerily similar to the decision that Catholic Charities had to make in Massachusetts, whether to betray their faith and place children in homosexual homes, or get out of the adoption business altogether. We know how that turned out, and with this disturbing trend “across the pond,” we may well see the same in Massachusetts and the nation. This is all the more reason why we need a Massachusetts marriage amendment and the federal DOMA.

    Source: Family Research Council


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