DADT repeal complete, Scott Brown receives gay award

Yesterday, the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy on homosexuals serving openly was officially repealed, and Senator Brown, who reneged on a campaign promise to support the repeal, received an award from a prominent gay organization last night.

At the 2011 Spirit of Lincoln Awards Dinner, a national event hosted by the Log Cabin Republicans, Scott Brown delivered remarks celebrating his vote to repeal DADT. “When a soldier answers the call to serve and risks life or limb, it has never mattered to me whether they are gay or straight,” Brown said in his prepared remarks. “What matters is whether their service and sacrifice is with pride and honor.”

Despite the award and his vote on DADT, Brown is unlikely to receive much in the way of support from gay rights organizations in his election next year. The Massachusetts Democratic Party, in response to the speech, held a press conference reminding people that Scott Brown has “been a staunch opponent of equal marriage, he is opposed to the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. When he was in the state Legislature, he voted three times for a constitutional amendment to ban equal marriage and opposed funds for the commonwealth’s commission on gay and lesbian youth.”

Gay groups have also been critical of Senator Brown for his decision to not participate in a “It’s Get Better” video featuring every other member of the Massachusetts congressional delegation. The video is part of a propaganda campaign that seeks to inject even more homosexual indoctrination into schools.

Source: Boston Globe


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