Detransitioners say stop harming minors. Boston Children’s Hospital says full steam ahead.

Detrans Awareness Day is next Wednesday, March 12th. Since its inception in 2021, this annual observance has highlighted the dangers of the transgender agenda through the voices of detransitioners—individuals who once identified as transgender but no longer do. With scarred bodies and determined hearts, these brave men and women share their deeply personal and often painful stories to raise awareness, hoping to spare others from the harmful consequences of embracing transgender ideology.

Listen to the video below as detransitioner Prisha Mosely shares her experience with the Ohio legislature in support of a bill banning medicalized gender procedures for minors. Proponents misleadingly label these transgender medical interventions as “gender-affirming care.”

Thanks in part to Detrans Awareness Day and the voices of detransitioners, the public has become increasingly aware of the dangers of transgender medicine, including the horrific surgeries and irreversible effects of cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers. Support for these procedures, and the transgender agenda as a whole, is steadily declining across the nation. This shifting viewpoint is highlighted most vividly by several of Trump’s executive orders. Thanks to these orders, the position of the federal government is now clear: there are only two gendersfemales should not be forced to compete against males in athletics, and minors should be protected from gender ideology and chemical and surgical mutilation.

Yet in Massachusetts, the push for gender insanity continues. This is evident across the state, but one prominent example is Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH). BCH is home to the Gender Multispecialty Service (GeMS) clinic, the nation’s first pediatric gender clinic. A quick glance at the hospital’s website reveals that, rather than adhering to Trump’s executive order protecting minors from gender medicalization, BCH is doubling down on its stance. Every page on the BCH website prominently displays a link to a message for patients and their caregivers. This vague message refers to changes (and proposed changes) in federal policies and emphasizes that BCH remains fully committed to caring for all its patients and families. The GeMS page goes further, explicitly reaffirming the hospital’s support for “gender-affirming care” for “transgender and gender-diverse youth.” The statement can be read below.

Emboldened by the state’s continued support of the trans agenda and a recent injunction making Trump’s gender medicalization executive order temporarily unenforceable, it appears that the BCH has no intention of abandoning its mad “science” experiments on minors. The hospital’s actions come as no surprise. Affirming the gender confusion of children and teens is not merely the purpose of its GeMS clinic. It’s also a huge money maker.

Last October, the medical ethics group Do No Harm released the Stop The Harm Database. Using insurance claim data for “gender-affirming” procedures billed for minor patients, the Stop The Harm Database lets members of the public see which hospitals are transing kids, and how much they are being paid to do so. BCH is listed numerous times.

BCH is #6 on the Database’s “Dirty Dozen” list of the 12 worst-offending children’s hospitals and the #1 hospital in MA  promoting sex change treatments for minors. As for the money trail? BCH is the #2 top-billing hospital in the nation, and it is home to the #1 top-billing doctor. According to the Database, one doctor alone at BCH has billed for $5,193,202 worth of gender treatments at the time of publication! Read more of what Stop The Harm uncovered about BCH, here.

Shortly after Do No Harm released its Stop The Harm Database, documents and testimony from an ongoing lawsuit revealed that BCH had slashed the time required for a child to be approved for gender transition treatment from 20 hours down to less than 3, as reported by the New York Sun. While detransitioners are making the case for why kids need to be protected from “gender-affirming care,” BCH appears to have fast-tracked the irreversible damage perpetuated on minors and continues to move full steam ahead with its unconscionable procedures – and all in defiance of the Trump administration.  

While it may be discouraging to see the dangerous grip that gender ideology still has on powerful MA institutions like BCH, there is much we can do to make a difference.

  1. Pray. Pray for the detransitioners who bravely share their stories, that they will find strength and healing. Pray for children and adults who are caught up in gender confusion, that they would find comfort in their natal sex and freedom from false ideology. Pray for the many MA residents who face ethical dilemmas every day related to gender ideology and are challenged on how to interact in their workplace or with family members who have a different view on the issue. And pray that the positive changes seen in many other states, such as education and health institutions abandoning harmful transgender ideology, will also come to MA.
  2. Share. Share detransitioner stories, like the ones herehere, and here. Share the Stop The Harm Database. Share this blog post.
  3. Report. The Do No Harm website has a reporting feature where members of the public can report radical, divisive ideologies in healthcare or medical education. View the submission page here. MFI reported last week about two additional reporting options that parents can use related to Title IX violations and DEI in schools. Read more about those options here.
  4. Give. MFI has been on the front lines defending children and families from gender ideology in MA and keeping you informed on the issue for well over a decade. We have uncovered millions of your tax dollars spent on gender treatments for minors. We have exposed gender indoctrination in the education system. We have fought to protect children and families from gender insanity in the courts and on Beacon Hill. Your support helps us continue this work. Partner with us today by giving a generous gift, click the button below.


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