PRESS RELEASE: Massive Ad Campaign Launched to Counter Misinformation Against Pregnancy Resource Centers

Contact: Sam Whiting, [email protected]
Direct: 774.462.7043

Massive Ad Campaign Launched to Counter Misinformation Against Pregnancy Resource Centers 
American Center for Law and Justice Announces Media Effort to Defend Pro-Life Pregnancy Resource Centers from State-Sponsored Attack

The Massachusetts Liberty Legal Center is excited to announce the launch of a powerful new ad campaign by the American Center for Law and Justice to combat the misinformation being spread by the State of Massachusetts and its activist allies about the life-saving work of pregnancy resource centers. 

Last year MLLC filed a lawsuit in partnership with the ACLJ against Governor Healey, the MA Department of Public Health, and their associates at Reproductive Equity Now. MFI also published updates on the state’s malicious smear campaign targeting pro-life pregnancy centers. Organizations like our client, Your Options Medical, have faced defamation, intimidation, and harassment because of their pro-life stance and deeply held Christian beliefs.  

MLLC is committed to fighting back against these unconstitutional assaults. Now, this new ad campaign will directly counter the state’s efforts to mislead women and shut down pregnancy resource centers in order to push more abortions. We are grateful to the ACLJ for this significant investment of their resources to protect pro-life centers and combat anti-life disinformation in Massachusetts. Below is the press release issued on behalf of the ACLJ detailing their bold campaign. 

MLLC and ACLJ will continue to stand strong in defense of life and protect pregnancy resource centers from these unlawful attacks.

Please consider making a generous contribution today to support the vital mission of the Massachusetts Liberty Legal Center. Your gift will help protect the life-saving work of pregnancy resource centers and ensure they continue to serve and support women in need. Together, we can defend life and safeguard these essential services.


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