From our friends at the Center for Military Readiness:
On Wednesday, May 11, the House Armed Services Committee will be marking up the 2012 Defense Authorization Bill and two important amendments could be a part of the final bill, but only with your help.
- Military Rights of Conscience and Religious Liberty
This amendment would:
a) Instruct the Department of Defense to produce specific regulations protecting the rights of conscience and religious liberty for both chaplains and servicemembers at all times, not just during worship services.
b) Deter final certification of the repeal of Section 654, Title 10, U.S.C. until the 112th Congress has had sufficient time to review detailed DoD regulations, and to evaluate their effect on morale, retention, and overall readiness.
- Military Defense of Marriage Amendment
This amendment would:
a) Recognize that the unique conditions of military service create a heightened need to protect marital and family stability.
b) Express the intent of Congress that in all policies, regulations, and matters involving benefits, the word “marriage” means only a legal union between one man and one woman. (This would cover same-sex marriages in military facilities and many other policy changes that would violate the existing DOMA.)
Both of these amendments, which would not preclude other measures (such as an amendment by Rep. Duncan Hunter to broaden the “certification” process), are in need of primary sponsors. Time is short, but if amendments are offered there is a good chance that the 112th Congress will put the president on notice that “certification” of repeal of the 1993 law time would do great harm to our military. We can do this, and the time is now.
The only member of the House Armed Services Committee from Massachusetts is Rep. Niki Tsongas (D-MA6). Though she has been an outspoken advocate for the repeal of the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy, she still needs to hear from the people on these two important amendments. Here is her CONTACT INFORMATION.