MFI Signed Amicus Brief on Case Before SCOTUS That Would Allow States to Direct Funding Away from Abortion Centers

Along with dozens of other family policy councils across the country, MFI signed on to a “friend of the court” brief written by attorneys from the Pennsylvania Family Institute’s Independence Law Center last week. The brief asks the U.S. Supreme Court to take a case that could allow pro-life states to end Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers without getting sued in federal court. The case is Kerr v. Planned Parenthood South Atlantic and our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom are lead counsel.

Pro-life states should be allowed to act in accordance with state law and the will of their citizens to direct funding away from abortion providers and toward providers who offer real health care. We hope SCOTUS agrees.

MFI will never stop being a voice to protect the lives of the unborn. Donate today to help us continue our crucial efforts. 


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MA House Unanimously Approves Parentage Act Commodifying Babies

The MA legislature voted unanimously to approve HB4672 “An Act to Ensure Legal Parentage Equality,” a bill that would enshrine “intent-based parenting” in Massachusetts law, making it much easier for parents with no biological connection to a child to acquire that child through surrogacy or sperm or egg donation. These methods can have devastating