DOMA repeal not attached to Defense Authorization bill

We reported last month that Senate liberals were attempting to attach a DOMA repeal amendment to the Defense Authorization Act, a must-pass bill that funds the military. Thankfully, phone calls from people like you convinced them otherwise. Thank you for calling Senator Brown and thanking him for his principled stand against the repeal of DOMA.

In addition to a DOMA repeal not being attached to the bill, Senator Brown was successful in getting provisions he co-sponsored attached to the final bill. The “No Contracting with the Enemy Act,” co-sponsored by Brown and NH Sen. Kelly Ayotte, will help the military to quickly sever contracts when it is found that enemies, such as the Taliban, are siphoning off our taxpayer dollars. The “National Guard Basic Allowance for Housing Equity Act” ensures that members of the National Guard receive their fair housing allowance while deployed overseas. Finally, Senator Brown co-sponsored with Illinois Senator Mark Kirk an amendment to impose sanctions on the Central Bank of Iran.


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