Celebrate National School Choice Week

This week across the nation, education freedom advocates are celebrating National School Choice Week, a time to highlight the critical importance of ensuring every family has access to the educational environment that best meets their children’s needs.

MFI is excited to be at the forefront of expanding school choice in Massachusetts through our Church-Based Learning Center Initiative (CBLCI). CBLCs support families transitioning from public schools to homeschooling by offering homeschool coaching, educational enrichment and social opportunities for students, and a vibrant community of like-minded parent educators.

As we celebrate both school choice and the success of the CBLCI this week, we must also draw attention to a crucial piece of federal legislation—the Educational Choice for Children Act (ECCA)—which we first told you about last fall and has been reintroduced this week. Back in September, we urged you to contact your congressmen in support of this legislation and the expansion of educational freedom, and we encourage you to do so again now.

The ECCA would provide scholarship opportunities for K-12 education, allowing families to use the funds for private or religious schools, homeschooling, or even to supplement public school education with tutoring and other services. This bill would empower families to access high-quality education that aligns with their values and needs. To learn more about the ECCA, read here.

In addition to the ECCA, the Trump administration has already taken significant steps toward expanding school choice at the federal level. Just yesterday, President Trump signed an executive order prioritizing school choice programs, directing the Department of Education to allocate funding for these initiatives, and offering guidance on how states can use federal funds to support educational freedom.

Read the full ECCA here and take action today by contacting your congressman to ask them to expand school choice by supporting the ECCA. Find the contact information for your federal representative here and your senators here.

Let’s work together to ensure every family has the freedom to choose the best educational path for their children!

Help MFI grow the Church-Based Learning Center Initiative. Support our crucial work with a generous donation today.


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