Take Action to Expand Education Freedom!

Through our Church-Based Learning Center Initiative, MFI is partnering with Massachusetts churches to increase parents’ choices for their children’s education. Now, on the federal level, there is an invaluable piece of school choice legislation coming up for a vote that could expand K-12 education freedom nationally. It is urgent that you ask your representative to vote to pass the proposed Educational Choice for Children Act (ECCA), H.R.9462, on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.

The ECCA would provide scholarship opportunities for use in K-12 education in private and religious schools, homeschool, or to supplement public school education with tutoring or other services. It would empower families to financially access for their children the highest-quality education that aligns with their values. To learn more about the ECCA read this summary.

Take action today and ask your representative to vote YES on H.R.9462 to expand education freedom!

Please support MFI with a generous gift today and enable us to empower parents to reclaim the education of their children!


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