Worcester Bishop Tells Parents “Opt Out of Sex Ed!”

Massachusetts schools are sexualizing students with comprehensive sexuality education curricula taught in districts across the state. While the absurd and obscene nature of this curriculum seems to be ever-increasing, parents statewide are removing their children from sex education classes. Last year, almost 4,000 students in Worcester Public Schools alone were opted out of sex education lessons. This impressive number is made possible not only by the growth of MFI’s OPT OUT Movement and the tireless work of engaged local parents, but also by the support of faithful church leaders, like the Bishop of Worcester, Most Reverand Robert McManus.

One of our supporters recently sent us this picture of a letter to parents, distributed by the Diocese of Worcester. In the letter, the Bishop encourages parents to review the Rights, Respect, and Responsibility (3Rs) curriculum used to teach sex ed to Worcester students in grades K-12, and strongly urges parents to opt their children out. The bishop elaborated on the content of the 3Rs program, stating, “I find the program to be morally unacceptable for our Catholic Children or any child. It is age inappropriate, explicit and reflects a shallow, trivial, amoral view of sex. It is a radical program of indoctrination of children with views contrary to the Catholic understanding of sex, gender, and the dignity of the human person.”


Attached to the letter were excerpts of the 3Rs lessons and a form that can be used to opt students out of sex education classes.



The Bishop’s letter is an incredible illustration of how church leaders can help educate and empower parents to protect their children from pornographic sex education. We are thankful for faith leaders like Bishop McManus who are speaking out against the sexualization of children in government schools. We call upon all Massachusetts faith leaders to follow his inspiring example.

Unfortunately, the exposure to radical ideas about sex, gender, and sexual activity is not only found in sex-ed curriculum, but also through storybooks read in elementary classrooms, books in the school library, school assemblies, literature discussions in English classes, student surveys, and more. Parents must take action to protect their children from sexualization and indoctrination in school. Click here to learn more about how to opt your child out of sex ed, LGBTQ materials, and surveys in school.

Please support MFI with a generous gift today so we can continue our vital work protecting children in education.


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