Contact: Sam Whiting, [email protected]
Direct: 774.462.7043
Massachusetts Liberty Legal Center Sues Middlesex Community College for Discrimination
MLLC is seeking justice for a Massachusetts college professor who was fired for her religious beliefs.
Lowell, MA – Earlier today, Massachusetts Liberty Legal Center filed a lawsuit on behalf of a former Middlesex Community College professor who was terminated because her Christian beliefs would not allow her to receive the COVID vaccine. Karen Rufo taught Latin at MCC for six years and was well-liked by students and staff. But when the College mandated the COVID vaccine in 2022, she knew she could not take it because of its connection to research on aborted fetal cells. So, she submitted a religious accommodation request. Since she had been teaching remotely for two years, the College could have easily accommodated her beliefs by allowing her to continue to teach online or to wear a mask and social distance in person. But with virtually no explanation, the College summarily denied her request and fired her, turning her life upside down.
MLLC is suing the College, its president, and its HR director to get justice for Karen and to send a clear message: employers who engage in religious discrimination will be held accountable in Massachusetts. No one should ever lose their job because of their faith.
The full complaint is linked below.
In order to fund these kinds of lawsuits, we rely on generous donations from supporters like you. Please consider contributing to the fight for religious liberty in Massachusetts by donating to Massachusetts Family Institute (MLLC’s parent organization)!