MFI filed an amicus brief in a case at the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court this week to support the right of parents to refuse vaccinations for their child that conflict with their religious beliefs. This case involves a child in the temporary custody of the Department of Children and Families (DCF) whose parents have deeply held religious beliefs that prohibit them from receiving vaccines. Ignoring these beliefs, DCF moved to vaccinate the child anyway. When the parents asked the trial court to intervene, the court refused, stating that vaccination was in the child’s “best interests,” which trumped their religious beliefs. Our brief argues that the trial court got it wrong, and that DCF violated the parents’ fundamental constitutional right to direct their child’s religious upbringing. This important case will have far-reaching ramifications for the kinds of medical treatments that DCF can provide to a child even when their parents object on religious grounds. We are thankful for your support which enables us to weigh in on these crucial issues. We will keep you updated as the case progresses!
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