Lobby Day – Tuesday, June 14
Our annual Lobby Day on Beacon Hill will take place on Tuesday, June 14th.
Our annual Lobby Day on Beacon Hill will take place on Tuesday, June 14th.
Friends, The weather is getting warmer and thoughts of heading to the park, playground and beach are entering our heads, especially with Memorial Day weekend
I usually don’t like to simply cut-and-paste an article from national organizations, but this account from Family Research Council is too telling not to forward
According to a new Gallup poll, sixty-one percent of American adults—including some who describe themselves as “pro-choice”—that abortion should be illegal in all or most
Twenty-one religious agencies providing chaplains to the U.S. military sent a joint letter to the military’s chiefs of chaplains Monday voicing strong concern over the
Thanks to the hard work of Minnesota lawmakers, the defense of traditional marriage will be on the ballot in the Midwestern state in November 2012.
Kelly Shackelford, head of the Free Market Foundation – MFI’s counterpart in Texas – is referring to the case to be argued next Monday as
The state of Maine made their “Bathroom Bill” a law in 2005 as part of the “Maine Human Rights Act.” Thanks to the results of
Friends, On Tuesday, gay activists celebrated seven years of legalized same-sex “marriage” here in Massachusetts. It was seven years ago that our great Commonwealth started
To date, thirty-seven United States Senators have signed onto Senate Resolution 99, the Senate resolution opposing ratification of the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights