For Churches
We help the church to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities of ministering in Massachusetts.
We are dedicated to strengthening the well-being, health, and safety of families in Massachusettss.
Every citizen in the Commonwealth has the right to have their voice be heard in the halls of the State House.
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Join one million voters who are taking the pledge to pray for our nation, vote in every election and engage in the process of civic involvement. Christians Engaged exists to awaken,
Free Speech Prevails as Tewksbury Library Reinstates Webinar on Biological Truth
On October 2nd, Tewksbury Public Library was scheduled to host a Zoom webinar titled “Males and Females are Different and that Matters in Sports.” For
MFI Report: Smear Campaign Against Pro-Life Centers is Based on Fake and Biased Complaints
We’ve been keeping you informed about our state government’s ongoing efforts to defame pro-life pregnancy resource centers (PRCs). Although these charitable organizations do heroic work
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MFI spoke at over 100 different church events all across the Commonwealth, from Sunday morning services and education classes to pastors’ conferences.
On Lobby Day 2019, MFI brought 550 advocates to Beacon Hill to lobby for life, family values and religious freedom.
MFI staff were quoted in local and national news outlets (radio, TV, online and in print) more than 250 times on issues of importance to the family.