Last spring we told you about Rainbow Clubs, the sexuality-themed clubs for kids as young as kindergarten popping up in some MA elementary schools. Modeled after GSA clubs (Gender and Sexuality Alliance, or Gay and Straight Alliance) for middle and high school teens, these clubs include discussions of sexual orientation, gender identity, and pro-LGBTQ activism along with activities appealing to young children like crafts, games and snacks.
At the time of that report, we had found these clubs in East Longmeadow, Billerica, Cambridge and Arlington. In the following months we learned that Rainbow Clubs also exist in Ashland and Newton. And now, we can add Framingham to the list.
A concerned Framingham parent shared the following post in the Massachusetts Informed Parents FB group this week:

King Elementary, which serves students in grades K-5, is offering a Rainbow Club after school once a month. The King Elementary PTO website features an advertisement for this club which includes a variety of LGBTQ flags, such as the transgender and nonbinary flags. It also includes a link to a google form that does NOT include parental consent as a requirement for club attendance. The top of the google form bills the club as “a safe, affirming, welcoming space…” and provides more details about the content of the meetings and club expectations.

“Rainbow Club is for those who are gender expansive, gender curious/questioning, identifying as LGBTQ+, have LGBTQ+ family members, and those who are allies and want to learn how to best support the LGBTQ+ community.”
“This is a safe space. By attending, you and/or your child are agreeing to: respect names & pronouns, use kind language & support others, listen when others are talking & take turns.”
It is easy to see how a lonely child looking for friendship would be enticed to join a club that is “safe, welcoming and affirming” and includes “fun activities.” Yet the children that attend King Elementary are ages 5-10. How could any responsible adult believe that children this age should be identifying themselves based on their sexual desires or adopting a different “gender” – and even worse, possibly doing so without parental consent?
The fact that this club happens after school does not absolve King Elementary from their gross overreach. If the teachers at King believe this is appropriate for kids, what else are they doing in the classroom to indoctrinate children into woke sexual ideology?
If your child attends Framingham Public Schools, make sure that they do not attend this club, and keep a close eye on the curriculum being taught and the books read in the classroom. Your district is already known for pledging allegiance to LGBTQ ideology in the name of otherwise unobjectionable ideals like “safety.” You cannot trust that your child’s educational experience will support or honor your family’s values. In fact, you can almost certainly assume that the opposite will occur.

Not in Framingham, Newton, Ashland, Arlington, Cambridge, East Longmeadow or Billerica? You still need to find out if your school offers a Rainbow Club. If it can happen in these municipalities, it can happen in your town or city, too. Many parents still aren’t aware that LGBTQ-based clubs like this exist in elementary school, and yet more and more local school districts seem to be jumping on the sexualize-little-kids bandwagon. If you find a Rainbow Club in your area that’s not on our list, let us know! We will continue to keep our readers informed of this growing (and disturbing) trend, so that concerned parents across MA can protect their kids.
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