Sex Ed Mandate On The Move

Get ready. Unfortunately, it is once again time to fight against the Sex Ed bills. Last week, the Sex Ed Mandate bills were voted out of their original committee and sent to the Senate Ways and Means Committee. Typically, this is a sign that the legislature is getting ready to vote on the bill – which could happen any day now. Just as parents and students are looking forward to returning to more normal school routines and programs this fall, Beacon Hill is considering the passage of a pornographic “comprehensive sex education” bill. For more than a decade, MFI has been monitoring these atrocious bills and employing every effort possible to protect our students against them. We have repeatedly demonstrated to our legislators how graphic and inappropriate these Sex Ed Mandate curricula are. Furthermore, we have been fighting for the right of local communities to retain control over Sex Ed policies in our public schools. You can read the details below or get quickly up to speed with our one page legislative brief. Then, reach out to your state representative. It’s time to start calling again.

This pending bill would mandate compliance with Sex Ed Frameworks that have not even been published yet.

The “Act Relative to Healthy Youth” or “Sex Ed Mandate” states that “Any city, town, regional school district, vocational school district, or charter school that utilizes curricula consistent with the Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework health [sic] shall comply with this section.” The “Health Frameworks” were last published in 1999 but have been in the process of revision since 2018. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), which is in charge of revising the Frameworks, has refused to release any information about what will be in them.

We don’t know what is in these new Frameworks, but we do know who is writing them. 

The legislators sponsoring the bill will tell you it simply ensures that Sex Ed is “age appropriate” and “medically accurate.” But they won’t provide any specifics. The bill delegates the enforcement of the Sex Ed Mandate to DESE, the same organization that’s been sitting on the revised Frameworks for more than two years, allowing no one to know what’s in them. DESE’s website in the past had a list of ‘approved’ Sex Ed curricula, such as Planned Parenthood’s “Get Real” program that teaches 12-year-olds to have oral-to-anal sex using Saran Wrap as a prophylactic – a lesson that is obviously neither “age appropriate” nor “medically accurate.” We kept pointing this out in the media, so DESE took the list down. But they never apologized for it nor distanced themselves from Planned Parenthood. In fact, a Planned Parenthood employee is helping to write the new Frameworks, which your child’s school will then be forced to implement. So, although the DESE isn’t telling us what is in the new Frameworks, they have told us who is writing them.  

For example, one member of the Frameworks revision panel is the Manager of Youth and Professional Education for Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts. She runs Planned Parenthood’s “Get Real Teen Council” program, which consists of workshops in which older teens present to students in grades 7-10 on “Relationships, Consent, and Communication.” So 15 to 18-year-olds teach 12-year-olds how to consent to sex (which in itself is illegal, by the way, since the minimum age for consent to sex in Massachusetts is 16). According to Planned Parenthood’s own Facebook page, these Teen Council members instruct younger kids with ideas such as:

Sean H. 11th grade – “STIs are normal!”

Eli S. 12th grade – “STIs are normal! 1 in 2 people get an STI before they turn 25.”

Lucy B. 12th grade – “Minors can get services anonymously and at a reduced cost at Planned Parenthood.”

At MFI we are all too familiar with the content in these ‘instructions’; nevertheless, the material is so appalling that we hesitate to share it with you. Much of what we show you below, however, is aimed at “tweens” and younger. It is no longer possible to ignore the threat such programs present to our children, faith and freedoms. So please consider for yourself what is intended in these new mandates. 

For example, if you scroll through the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts Facebook page, you’ll find other examples of their “youth outreach,” like this picture of a person in a condom costume smiling and waving next to a character from a popular kids’ movie. 

Or this (deceptively?) cute cat video that teaches girls how to masturbate by showing people petting kittens.

These are the people our Department of Education is turning to for help in creating, producing and then mandating “age appropriate” and “medically accurate” curricula for our kids.  If you’re somewhat confused right now because you thought Planned Parenthood was dedicated to abortion (and in fact, it is the nation’s largest abortion provider) and “health care,” this organization is making it very clear that it is also dedicated to your school children’s sexual ‘education’. In fact, it posted a helpful cartoon diagram titled “The Sex Education We Wish We’d Had” with medically accurate and age-appropriate educational topics like “Lube is awesome,” “All things clitoral,” “Number of partners doesn’t matter,” and “Virginity is a social construct.” It’s like the categories for a Jeopardy! episode starring registered sex offenders. 

But the unpublished Frameworks that this bill would mandate are not being written exclusively by Planned Parenthood employees, transgender activists, and ‘community organizers’ (although those groups all have representation on the panel); they also have input from public school Sex Ed facilitators. One of them is a health teacher from Westford. Unfortunately, Westford is notorious for promoting a transgender policy that would hide a student’s change of gender identity from the child’s own parents. Westford parents were also furious over lessons that promoted the website “” where students can find ‘age appropriate’ blog posts on different types of sex, including non-penetrative sex like dry humping, using sex toys, oral sex, sensory play, and mutual masturbation. They include suggestions for questions teens might want to explore, such as:

  • How can you make someone orgasm without penetration?
  • How do I introduce kink or fetishes to my partner?
  • What do different sex toys do?
  • What’s the best way to orgasm through masturbation?

Students can also find “sex positive” (another euphemism for graphic Sex Ed) guidance such as:

“You may hook-up with someone that you just met and haven’t discussed the nature of your relationship with.”


“If you hook-up multiple times with the same person, it is healthy to discuss the nature of your relationship and what you want out of it. If you want to remain open and only hook-up, that’s totally fine…”

The site is partnered with another site, When students click through to “bedsider,” they can find more educational articles, such as:

“Looking for role-playing inspiration. Try horror.”

“Frisky Friday Top 5: Sex positions inspired by nature.”

“The best places to have sex in public: Fall edition”


“18 ways to keep a relationship hot when you’re really effing busy”

The website also features interviews with regular people about their sexual experiences. Students can watch a 33-year-old man talk in detail about how much he and his girlfriend enjoy using an internal condom when they have sex. Understandably, parents complained to the school and the “lesson” linked to “powertodecide” and “bedsider” was removed, but that is exactly the type of local control that is eliminated by this bill. If parents don’t want their children being taught about the pleasures of internal condoms or the best places to have sex in public, too bad. The school will insist that they are simply “following the required Frameworks,” written by these activists and still unpublished.  

The Frameworks panel also has a representative from the Worcester Public Schools, where parents have been locked in a multi-year battle with Planned Parenthood and other activists who are pushing similar filth on students. The district just chose to implement a curriculum called “Rights, Respect, Responsibility (3Rs)” beginning in kindergarten.

The 3Rs sexualizes the youngest of children with graphic and unnecessary descriptions of genitals.

“So a person with a vulva has three holes between their legs and a very sensitive little area at the top called the clitoris.” (Grade K, Lesson 2, p. 2)

The Worcester school committee claims the content for younger grades is “health” curriculum and not “sex” curriculum, but what do you call this?:

“The vagina has great elasticity, and can adjust to the size of a penis” (Grade 2, Lesson 1, p. 4)

“The penis is made up of nerves, blood vessels, fibrous tissue, and three parallel cylinders of spongy tissue. It does NOT have any bones in it, but when people talk about an erection as a ‘boner,’ they’re mistaken.” (Grade 2, Lesson 1, p. 4)

Again, the people writing the Frameworks that this bill would mandate believe it’s age appropriate to teach second graders, 7 and 8-year-olds, that their vaginas will stretch so “boners” can fit in them. 

The 3Rs also presents descriptive sexual scenarios for students as young as 11 years old.

“Max and Julia spend a lot of time together now that they’re a couple. When they find some private time alone, they like to kiss a lot. Max really wants to do something more, and so the next time they’re alone together, he tries to pull Julia’s shirt up and reach for one of her breasts.” (Grade 6, Lesson 3, p. 4)

The 3Rs normalizes porn.

“Malik watches porn sometimes when he’s home alone and is nervous about whether he’ll know what to do.” (Grade 8, Lesson 2, p. 7)

The 3Rs normalizes multiple sex partners.

“A girl tells her partner that they’re in a one-on-one relationship, but she is having sex with other people.” (Grade 8, Lesson 3, p. 18)

This is not sex education. IT IS GROOMING. And if this bill is passed, parents will be powerless to stop it from being the sex ed curricula in their local schools. 

This material is a litany of perversions of God’s design for intimacy and procreation between husband and wife. Frankly, it’s awkward even for us at MFI to consider. But think about how your children will respond to these topics. We must protect them, and we’ve seen that legislators back down when forced to face the specifics of what this bill would do. 

Call your legislator and demand that DESE publish the new Frameworks before the bill is even considered. How can your representatives vote on a bill that mandates standards that none of them has even read? And why should activists be authorized to decide what, how and when our children are taught about sex? Our vulnerable children are constituents whom our legislators must defend from what is clearly the grooming of children for unhealthy sexual activity at very early ages.

Please join MFI in this most important defense of our families. Call your state representative today. For complete legislator contact information, click here.


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