Every life is worth fighting for: help stop assisted suicide in MA

On Tuesday, I’ll be at the State House testifying against the imposition of Doctor Prescribed Suicide in Massachusetts. Two years ago, when this same noxious bill was being considered on Beacon Hill, I was introduced to the story of fellow Marine J.J. Hanson. He was diagnosed with the same aggressive form of brain cancer that caused young Brittany Maynard to very publicly, and tragically, take her own life. J.J., on the other hand, chose to fight for his young wife, infant son and his life. You can watch his powerful story by clicking on the image below.

It’s important that we fight back against the culture of death. As the stories of Brittany and J.J. demonstrate, Doctor Prescribed Suicide, and the devaluing of life that comes with it, won’t just affect the elderly. These bills would degrade the practice of medicine for everyone, young and old alike.

I encourage you to join me on Tuesday to show your opposition to Doctor Prescribed or “Assisted” Suicide. If you can’t make it, please take 30 seconds to sign the petition from our friends at CitizenGo. They will send the results to the heads of the Legislative Committee that is hearing the bills. May you and your loved ones have a blessed weekend.

For our families,


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