MFI Speaks Life to Elizabeth Warren

I am down in D.C. this week with five Massachusetts pastors, taking part in the Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall Conference.  We’re learning how churches can partner with groups like MFI to strategically influence the public square for the common good.  Sometimes pastors are uncomfortable filling their role of speaking God’s truth into the halls of government.  Not these pastors!  One of them even joined me as I met with legislative staffers in the offices of my Congresswoman, Representative Nikki Tsongas, and Senator Elizabeth Warren. We urged them to defund Planned Parenthood and stand up for their constituents against the marijuana industry.

This has been a great first-hand experience for these pastors with MFI’s mission of equipping people of faith to influence our public officials on these important issues. For example, we educated Senator Warren’s office on the fact that there are about 270 community health centers and somewhere between 20 and 25 Pregnancy Care Centers in Massachusetts and that defunding Planned Parenthood will not jeopardize the healthcare of women.  In fact, just yesterday we witnessed another extremely disturbing video from The Center for Medical Progress of the grotesque practice of abortion and the selling of baby body parts. (Though Youtube has currently removed the video, censoring this expose that on the abortion industry, it has been reposted here).

When reminded about this, Senator Warren’s staffer stated she still believes that “there is a place for Planned Parenthood and values their partnership with the community centers in Massachusetts.”  Clearly the millions of dollars Planned Parenthood currently receives from the federal government would be better spent on the Pregnancy Care Centers and community health centers that are not under federal investigation for the sale of baby parts. We must continue to expose the inhumane and evil practices of Planned Parenthood and demand even the most liberal of politicians like Senator Warren to protect and strengthen the most vulnerable in our society.

We encourage pastors across the Bay State to partner with MFI to stand up for laws that will protect and strengthen the family in Massachusetts.  We hope to get 50 pastors next year to come with us to Washington D.C. for this great conference and opportunity to be a witness to our governing authorities.  You can find out more about the conference here.
Don’t forget that a great first step to get involved with Massachusetts Family Institute is to have someone at your church teach our Engage the Bay State curriculum in a Sunday school or small group environment.  You can find out more about the curriculum at our website. The curriculum is also available in Portuguese and Spanish.  We also welcome the opportunity to speak at your church on how people can partner with us.  Here is a video of our recent visit to Lion of Judah in Boston:
Would you like to teach the “Engage the Bay State” curriculum at your church?
Would you consider hosting MFI on a Sunday morning?

Would you like to come to the Watchmen on the Wall Conference next year?

Send me an email at [email protected].

For our families,

Michael King
Director of Community Alliances


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