MFI Getting Your Church and School ENGAGED!

I was recently invited to speak on a Sunday morning at the Lion of Judah Church in Boston.  Pastor Roberto Miranda and I had a wide-ranging discussion about the sensitive topics addressed in the Engage curriculum and how the church needs to confront them.  Over 1,000 congregants heard this message and the MFI literature table at the back of the sanctuary was swarmed after each service.  This was a wonderful opportunity to help people of faith think about how they can respond Biblically to the complex cultural challenges facing them at school, in the workplace and in their own families.  You can watch discussion below (or click here to view the second service with Spanish translation).

Earlier this week, MFI’s Director of Community Alliances and I visited with students at Boston Trinity Academy’s Lionheart Club.  These young men, mostly sophomores and juniors in high school, have been going through the Engage class with the school chaplain this semester.  I was delighted to meet with these youths who, given their age, are very much on the front lines of many of these cultural challenges.  They had great questions about standing up for the unborn, grappling with the latest agenda of the sexual revolution and what difficulties they will face as future husbands, fathers and leaders.

If you would like someone from MFI to speak at your church or school, contact Michael King.  Learn more about the newly updated Engage curriculum here.


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