MFI Remembers Two Voices for the Family

The pro-family movement experienced two great losses this past week:

Friday, February 17, renowned Catholic intellect and prolific author Michael Novak passed away.  I had the pleasure of meeting him just last spring, when he spoke at a small event for friends of MFI.  He was gracious and had a rich sense of humor.  He was also our banquet speaker in 2008.  You can listen to his address here.  MFI’s founder, Robert Bradley, considered Novak a friend and intellectual mentor and has written a timely tribute to him in this week’s NewBostonPost.

A month ago, I was speaking to pro-life groups on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and reminding them that the “Roe” in that case, Norma McCorveywas now pro-life herself, and never had an abortion.  I am sad to say that, on Saturday, February 18, Norma passed away at the age of 69.  She did not live to see the reversal of the Supreme Court decision she is forever linked to, but she inspired a generation with her coming to faith and stands as an example of the profound grace and change that is possible with God.


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