URGENT call for legislature to delay marijuana law enactment

The nefarious Marijuana ballot question is scheduled to take effect this Thursday, December 15th, but a cannabis-1254745_640considerable amount of confusion and insufficient time to prepare for this poorly drafted law demands legislators delay its implementation.

One key defective piece of the law that needs fixing is the home-grow provisions. Colorado’s law has had significant problems because of it was also poorly written. Fox News reports that Federal raids on twelve homes have seized 22,400 pounds of marijuana.

Oklahoma and Nebraska have also sued Colorado over marijuana spilling into their states because Colorado has failed to keep track of home-grows. Massachusetts will likely face the same lawsuits and costs to the taxpayers when we’re already experiencing government cuts.

This seriously flawed law does not have adequate protections against illegal distribution of home-grown marijuana.  We need to delay it BEFORE it goes into effect this Thursday!

Even House Speaker DeLeo, Senate President Rosenberg, and other legislators realize this law is defective. But unless they hear public outcry, they will see no urgency in a delay before Thursday.  They are hearing from marijuana industry advocates and lobbyists everyday to implement the law as written. Legislators need to hear from you.

Please email and call Speaker DeLeo, Senate President Rosenberg and your legislators and ask them to delay the enactment immediately BEFORE it takes effect this Thursday:

take-action-email take-action-call

Click on the link above to send your email now and CALL Speaker DeLeo, Senate President Rosenberg and your legislators to request a delay of this law immediately: 

  • Senate President Stanley C. Rosenberg: 617-722-1500
  • Speaker of the House Robert A. DeLeo: 617-722-2500

For our families,

Andrew Beckwith

P.S. Because of the URGENT need to take action before Thursday, please call Speaker DeLeo, Senate President Rosenberg, and your legislator in addition to sending an email!


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