After receiving an enthusiastic response to our 25th Annual Fundraising Banquet this October 14 with Dr. Ravi Zacharias,ravi zacharias we have SOLD OUT of the 500 seats in the main ballroom.
However, in order to make sure as many people as possible can join in the celebration, we have opened up an additional venue that will accommodate 150 more seats! Guests in this overflow venue will enjoy the same dinner and festive atmosphere as in the main ballroom, and we are planning on Dr. Zacharias giving the invocation in person in the overflow venue. Guests will view the evening’s program via live stream on a large projection screen identical to the one used to enhance the experience in the main ballroom. If you are interested in meeting Dr. Zacharias, VIP tickets are still open as well.
For more information on our 25th Annual Fundraising Banquet, visit our website.
We hope you are able to join us next month as we celebrate 25 years of defending family values in Massachusetts!