Join us as we fight to Keep MA Safe!

The petition drive to repeal the Bathroom Law and to Keep MA Safe is now on its way, and they need YOUR help! Keep MA Safe is looking for volunteers and churches to sign up this weekend to start gathering signatures.

To get enough signatures and make this drive successful, Keep MA Safe needs your immediate assistance to put this dangerous law on the ballot so that keep ma safe logo - pink FINALMassachusetts citizens can vote it down. Women and children deserve to be protected in private spaces like changing facilities, locker room, showers and bathrooms.

Here are three ways you can help:

  1. Volunteer to gather signatures. Keep MA Safe has shifts to fill this weekend at super markets and other locations where voters can sign.
  2. Ask your pastor today if we can conduct a drive at your church. If your pastor agrees, please notify Keep MA Safe ([email protected]) immediately so they can get you the necessary recources and coordinate local volunteers to provide assistance.
  3. Make a donation today to support the Keep MA Safe ballot question campaign. Paperwork, advertising and educational resources can be costly, but your financial contribution will make this initiative to protect Massachusetts women and children possible.

donate to keep ma safe 2

For specific questions about gathering signatures in your area or finding out where you can sign the petition, please contact your regional director listed below:

I hope you are able to join me in helping Keep MA Safe collect the needed signatures.  Even if you can’t volunteer, please donate to Keep MA Safe to help others get started!

For our families,

andrew s full blue


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