LGBTQ and “We don’t know who will be next…”

The media is starting to take notice of the public outcry on the Transgender Bathroom & Shower Bill here in MA.  Politico interviewed Renew Mass Coalition Director Chanel Prunier on the effort to make our pro-family perspective heard loud and clear by Governor Baker.

In fact, as the article notes, the bill still hasn’t made it to the governor’s desk.  It has been assigned to a committee to work out differences between the house and senate versions of the bill.  Unlike the house bill, which Baker said last month that he would sign, the senate version has an “emergency preamble” that causes the bathroom/shower bill to go into effect immediately before state agencies even have a chance to come up with guidelines for how it is supposed to be implemented.  Either way, we continue to pray that the governor will remain faithful to his original promise to veto the bill.  Otherwise, all he is proving is that the real bullies win.

Meanwhile, the bathroom/shower bill’s sponsor, Boston Representative Byron Rushing, was in the news again this week for a bill that Byron Rushingwould have legalized bestiality.  For the past four years, Rushing has introduced legislation that would, among other things, eliminate the Commonwealth’s law prohibiting “the abominable and detestable crime against nature, either with mankind or with a beast.”  As shocking as this should be, it is not wholly unexpected, if you’ve heard Rushing speak on his vision for the Commonwealth.  During the floor debate on the transgender bill in the house earlier this month, Rushing spoke at length about how this was “not the end.”  He specifically said, “We don’t know who will be next [but]… we know that there will be other people rightly demanding” civil rights.  People often ask what will come next after the transgender T in the LGBT agenda.  While Rushing didn’t name any new sexuality-based civil rights in his speech, his legislation speaks for itself.

(You can watch these clips from the house debate here, or watch his full speech.)

Fortunately, the Judiciary committee modified the bestiality bill to only strike the law dealing with crimes against nature involving “mankind.” Rushing had also submitted similar legislation that did essentially that but for some reason still submitted this stand-alone bill which, if passed as drafted, would have decriminalized bestiality.  Sadly, loosening the restrictions on sexual contact with animals is not as outrageous an idea as one would hope.  The Supreme Court of Canada did just that earlier this month!

While we continue to fight back against the imposition of perversion on our society through the law, we must also pray that God will heal the nation of its sexual brokenness and protect the innocent from its inevitable consequences.

For our families,

andrew s full blue


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