CALL TO ACTION: Make schools safe for YOUR child

Transgender activists are still pushing to allow men to shower and change alongside young girls in MA.  This comes despite recent revelations of an identical policy being exploited in Seattle by an apparent voyeur.  Fortunately, the MA Bathroom Bill stalled in the House this week when lawmakers sought an extension to keep the bill in committee.

This is a good sign, as last session a similar bill was likewise granted an extension in March before ultimately being sent to study (effectively killed) in June of 2014.  However, there continues to be tremendous pressure in the media and from various activist groups to pass the bill.

This week, it was the MA Education establishment that came out in favor of the bill.  Sadly, these groups appear far more interested in promoting radical sexual ideology and party politics than the safety and privacy of our children.  The MA teacher’s union, for example, seems primarily concerned with fighting a turf war over charter schools and preventing any challenge to their virtual monopoly on public funding for education.  Perhaps, if they spent less time seeking to expose our children to all manner of indecency and immorality, there might be less demand for alternatives to public schools.

This is why it is critical that you contact your State Representative TODAY, if you have not already done so. You can send a direct email here:

take action email

If you want to have an even bigger impact, please CALL your state rep. by clicking below:

Take Action CALL

If we make our voices heard, we can preserve the privacy rights of all citizens.


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