Join us as we celebrate marriage!

Dear Friend of the Family,

Each week leading up to Valentine’s Day, MFI engages in the nationwide celebration of marriage. For this year’s marriageNational Marriage Week, we are focusing on maintaining and promoting healthy marriages as designed by God.

Please join us all next week on Facebook and Twitter as we share encouraging and inspiring media posts with you, and help us to spread the word! Whether married or not, we encourage you to celebrate with us as we appreciate God’s gift and purpose of marriage.

We will be sharing practical and uplifting articles, videos, podcasts and quotes from leading marriage speakers such as Andy Stanley, Francis Chan, Matt Chandler and many more.

Here’s a taste of what you will see this week:

Blind Devotion play

Click here for more information on National Marriage Week.

Please help us promote National Marriage Week by telling your family and friends and by sharing our posts on Facebook, Twitter or other social media outlets.

We look forward to celebrating with you!

For our families,

andrew s full blue


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