Is your church ready for Sanctity of Life Sunday?

I want to encourage you and your church to observe Sanctity of Life Sunday this coming Sunday, January 17th.

This month marks the 43rd year since the infamous Roe v. Wade decision.  During that time, more than 55 million unborn children have been aborted in the U.S. alone.  Through God’s grace, the plaintiff in that case actually never had the abortion she sued to procure, and she is now a pro-life activist.  Watch this two-minute clip to hear the story in her own words.

"Jane Roe"
This video is taken from MFI’s brand new curriculum for churches and small groups.  In honor of Sanctify of Human Life Sunday, we are making the entire chapter on abortion available through the end of the month.  You can watch the class video (25 minutes) below and download the corresponding digital study guide chapter here.

Abortion chapter

We encourage to share this new resource with your church, and consider registering to participate in the complete 8 week course at You can also download bulletin inserts made by The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission or participate in the “9 Days For Life” project of U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

For our families,

andrew s full blue


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