Board of Education meeting packed with pro-family supporters to address transgender policy

BESE meeting 2 3-26-2013 small croppedMFI led a coalition of parents, educators, pastors and mental health professionals to the Board of Education meeting Tuesday morning to combat its radical transgender bathroom policy.  A number of pro-family speakers addressed the board, and although trans-activists were present, for once it was the pro-family supporters who dominated the gathering; lining the walls of the conference room.  Our repeated request was for the Board to reconvene the ‘working group’ of trans-activists who developed the policy and make it more balanced, to represent the majority of the student body.
BESE meeting 2 3-26-2013After public input, Commissioner Chester gave a quick response in which he refused to acknowledge the privacy and safety concerns of the majority students and their parents.  However, he did state unequivocally that the guidelines “are not a mandate,” and admitted that local school districts are free to deal with this issue as they see best.  It is crucial that parents and concerned citizens contact their local school committee members and let them know that this dangerous policy is NOT THE LAW.


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