Headway on the Bathroom Bill

MFI has continued to get local and national coverage on the issue of transgender bathroom usage in our schools.  MFI’s Andrew Beckwith was on air with WBZ’s Dan Rae for an hour last Friday night.  Tuesday night, Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly featured our story in his Impact Segment.  He was, appropriately, outraged by the new policy’s keeping parents in the dark if their children decide to experiment with their gender at school.  This was also a topic of discussion on WRKO AM 680 Wednesday morning.
The good news is, all of this media attention, which the Education Commissioner clearly wanted to avoid when he quietly released his new policy on the Friday before February vacation, is spurring lawmakers into action.  This Friday, February 29th, thanks to your phone calls and emails and the public outrage over this policy, there will finally be a meeting between concerned legislators and Education Commissioner Chester.
We need you to continue to keep up the pressure, by letting YOUR REPRESENTATIVE know that you want the Commissioner to rescind this policy that endangers the privacy and safety of ALL children, grades K-12.  If you haven’t done so already, take three minutes and call or send an email to your Rep, RIGHT NOW.


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