Twelve Point Drop in Support for Question 3 as Voters Become Informed

Voters grow weary of medical marijuana as they learn about community impacts  
(OCTOBER 17, 2012) Wayland, MA – A recent poll of likely voters shows that support for the legalization of “medical” marijuana is dramatically falling as voters learn more about the details of the question.   “In our grassroots mobilization effort, we’ve been vigorously educating voters about the loopholes that would lead to the same negative effects that other states with medical marijuana laws are furiously working to reverse,” said Heidi Heilman, President of the Massachusetts Prevention Alliance and spokesperson for  For example, Ms. Heilman cites that recently due to neighborhood concerns over crime, community disruption and addiction issues, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously voted to ban all “marijuana treatment centers” within city limits.   Even in Berkeley, California – famous for its liberal stand on recreational drug use – the zoning board unanimously declared a pot dispensary a “public nuisance.”  Recent polls show a 12-point drop in support for Question 3 over just a few weeks. A Public Policy Polling survey of likely voters conducted October 9-11 showed this notable decrease, with 57% supporting Question 3, down from the Boston Globe poll conducted September 21-27 showing 69% supporting.  “We’re just starting to get our message out and these polls show that once voters are informed about the impact on the public and tremendous risk for exploitation, they choose to vote no on Question 3,” Ms. Heilman concluded.


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