Maine FPC, NOM join forces to defeat SSM

The Christian Civic League of Maine (CCLM) and the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) announced recently that they have joined forces to form Protect Marriage Maine, and will lead the campaign against the proposed initiative redefining marriage in Maine that is expected on the ballot this November.
“We are pleased to bring together these key organizations to begin the process of educating voters about Maine’s marriage laws, and urging them to defeat this initiative to redefine marriage,” said Bob Emrich, Chairman of Protect Marriage Maine. “This group was instrumental in defeating Question One in 2009 and we have every confidence we will do so again.” In 2009, Maine voters passed Question One which overturned same-sex marriage. Despite being told “no” by the voters, homosexual advocates have submitted signatures seeking to put the marriage redefinition initiative on the November ballot.
“We intend to organize a broad and deep campaign across the state of Maine,” said Carroll Conley, executive director of the Christian Civic League of Maine (CCL) and an executive committee member of Protect Marriage Maine. “The CCL was not a major player in the 2009 campaign, and we believe we can play a major role in the campaign this year. We look forward to doing so.”
More Information: CCL Maine


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