T-Shirt Controversy Hits Clothes to Home

From Family Research Council:

A Kentucky company called “Hands On” wishes liberals would keep their “hands off!” On Monday, homosexuals filed a complaint with the Lexington Human Rights Commission because the business turned down a request to print t-shirts for a gay pride parade. Co-owner Blain Adamson declined, saying Hands On is a Christian company, and as such, it is their “prerogative to refuse any order that would endorse positions that conflict with the convictions of the ownership.” Now that the local commission insists on investigating, even the Lexington school district is putting a hold on all of its purchases. According to the commission, Hands On could be in violation of the city’s anti-discrimination policy because it deals in “goods and services to the public.”
But just because it sells to the public doesn’t mean it has to surrender its private views. Like any business, Hands On has the freedom to establish its own criteria of conduct and conscience. The same applies whether the clients are Planned Parenthood, the Klu Klux Klan, or baby seal hunters. And in this instance, the Adamsons’ Christian beliefs aren’t the only thing opposed to the homosexual agenda. So is Kentucky law. Neither civil unions nor homosexual “marriage” are recognized by the state.
Not surprisingly, the Left still insists that personal morality take a backseat to its radical agenda. Whether it’s a t-shirt company, wedding photographer, or the church, homosexuals will not be satisfied until they compel us to either spread their perversion or promote it. Unfortunately for these activists, the Constitution doesn’t award its rights on the basis of political correctness. And until that changes, Blain Adamson has as much freedom to reject homosexuality as his customers do to endorse it.

Source: Family Research Council


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