According to a report from the Associated Press, the sponsor of a bill to repeal same-sex “marriage” in New Hampshire has proposed giving voters a chance to weigh in through a non-binding ballot question on whether the state should restore a 2007 civil unions law. State Rep. David Bates said his proposal would repeal same-sex “marriage” effect March 31, 2013, and replace it with civil unions.
Rep. Bates said if voters decide in November to keep civil unions for homosexuals, same-sex “marriage” would be repealed. However, if voters object to repealing same-sex “marriage,” lawmakers would have time to stop the repeal from taking effect. Bates said he will offer the proposal as an amendment to his bill when it comes to the House floor for a vote next week, probably Wednesday.
The vote to repeal same-sex “marriage” is expected to be close, and with Governor Lynch promising a veto if it is passed, it is unknown if supporters of natural marriage will have the votes to override a veto.
Source: Associated Press (via