SAVE-THE-DATE: Monumental

On Tuesday, March 27, 2012, more than 450 major movie theaters – 19 in Massachusetts – will have a one-night only theatrical event called Monumental: In Search of America’s National Treasure hosted by Kirk Cameron. The two-hour show will begin at 7:30 PM. Audiences will be inspired as they come together to rediscover the people and the principles that made America the strongest, most free and prosperous nation on earth.
Kirk Cameron will take audiences on a journey through conversations with special guests, live music from top artists, and his new documentary MONUMENTAL. Trace the heroic and harrowing travels of the early Pilgrims. Encounter the unlikely men and women who risked everything for liberty. Experience the stories of faith that guided education, government, and civic life. Hear from inspiring leaders on simple and practical ways to keep America’s ideals alive, beginning at home. A high-energy patriotic event, MONUMENTAL will unite audiences in a celebration of America’s unique story of faith and freedom.
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer for the movie, and to look up the closest cinema to you.


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