Marriage Updates: Washington, New Jersey, North Carolina

From Family Research Council:
In Washington State, where leaders ignored the people and signed a same-sex marriage bill into law, was prepared. The group set its referendum movement into motion the minute same-sex marriage became official. Under state law, natural marriage supporters literally have until D-Day, June 6, to collect 120,577 signatures for what locals are calling R-74, or Referendum 74. To get involved in the people’s response, log on to the website and look for ways to help! Fortunately, New Jersey voters didn’t have to resort to a ballot initiative because Gov. Chris Christie (R) stood by his long-time promise and vetoed a bill to redefine marriage in the Garden State. “I am adhering to what I’ve said since this bill was first introduced–an issue of this magnitude and importance, which requires a constitutional amendment, should be left to the people of New Jersey to decide.” State leaders have two years to override the veto, but they’d need significantly more support for the effort–12 more votes in the Assembly and three more votes in the Senate. In the meantime, Gov. Christie has blocked them. And the Tar Heels will soon have the chance to do their part. Polling shows that voters are still strongly in favor a marriage amendment in North Carolina, where a May ballot initiative is planned.


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