Romney wins Iowa caucus

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney won the Iowa Caucuses last night, the first official contest of the primary and caucus season leading to this November’s presidential election, with 24.6% of the vote. Gov. Romney edged out former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum by 8 votes (24.5%). Rounding out the top 5 finishers were Texas Rep. Ron Paul (21.4%), former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (13.3%), and Texas Governor Rick Perry (10.3%).  (Full results available HERE from the Des Moines Register)

The New Hampshire Primary Election, taking place next Tuesday, January 10, will be the next challenge for the Republican candidates competing for a place on the ballot against President Barrack Obama in November. Following that is the South Carolina Primary later this month.

Massachusetts voters will be casting their ballots on Tuesday, March 6, as part of “Super Tuesday.” Three states will be holding their caucuses that day (Alaska, Idaho and North Dakota), while six other states are holding their primaries (Georgia, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont, and Virginia).

MFI will be releasing a Voter Guide to the Primary Election in February to help inform Republican Primary voters as to where the presidential candidates stand on issues important to social conservatives, including traditional marriage and abortion.


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