Lowe’s pulls ad dollars from Islamist TV programming

After numerous complaints, Lowe’s Home Improvement announced last week that it was pulling its advertising from a cable TV show called “All American Muslim.” Critics of the show felt that it was pro-Islamist propaganda in the guise of entertainment. Lowe’s made a legitimate business decision to take its advertising dollars elsewhere, and now finds itself the target of both Islamic and left wing outrage.

According to Gary Bauer, the Michigan Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations said that Lowe’s is engaging in “capitulation to bigotry” and should be boycotted. Let Lowe’s know that you applaud their decision not to promote radical Islamic propaganda by calling them at 1-800-445-6937.

This is also a good time to remind you that Lowe’s chief competitor, The Home Depot, is one of the most strident pro-homosexual companies in the nation. They continue to sponsor the gay agenda, including the legalization of same-sex “marriage,” and have continued this support despite numerous complaints to corporate headquarters, as well as to their board of directors. We encourage you to continue to boycott The Home Depot, and if you need home improvement supplies, consider Lowe’s as an alternative.

Source: Gary Bauer’s End of Day Report


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