MFI stood with our friends in the coalition United to Stop Slots in Massachusetts (USS Mass) on the steps of the State House yesterday to call on legislators to reject the false promises of expanded predatory gambling and vote against the bill that would bring a slot parlor and three casinos to our state. Ironically, Democrat leaders were meeting inside the State House for a closed-door meeting on the numerous amendments filed for the bill.
“Their philosophy is to get people who are gambling to play to extinction, which is an industry term that means get people to play until they have nothing left,” said Alison Dignam, a licensed clinical social worker and member of the National Association of Social Workers.
All speakers, including MFI’s director of public policy Maureen Vacca, told the Legislature to not pass any gambling bills until a serious, independent study of the economic and social costs to communities and individuals is conducted. No such study has ever been done.
Debate began today in the House, and a vote is also expected this week. The Senate has not yet scheduled its debate on the proposal. If you have not emailed your legislators, CLICK HERE right now to ask them to oppose the bill. To echo my friend Tom Larkin, the leader of United to Stop Slots, we are not going to go quietly away, even if the bill passes. We are going to continue to fight “tooth and nail” to prevent expanded gambling from forever changing the face of Massachusetts.
Source: WWLP 22 News
Len Mead, a resident of Westboro and local political activist, had a great op/ed in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette last Friday titled “Don’t bet a dime on casinos.” CLICK HERE to read this, and be sure to share on Facebook and Twitter.