Despite rejection, gay activists to try again in Maine

Not even two years ago, in November 2009, voters in Maine went to the polls and rejected same-sex “marriage,” something thrust upon them by a legislature and governor that didn’t listen to them. Fifty-three percent of voters endorsed natural marriage, deciding to exercise their right to a “people’s veto.”

However, with gay activists having success in passing same-sex “marriage” in New York and civil unions in Rhode Island, supporters of same-sex “marriage” in Maine think its time to try again. EqualityMaine and Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) announced the launch of what they are calling “a citizen’s initiative” to put the issue before the voters in 2012.

They will need to start the process of gathering more than 57,000 signatures to get the issue back to the ballot. The question, if approved by the Secretary of State, would state: “Do you favor a law allowing marriage licenses for same-sex couples that protects religious freedom by ensuring no religion or clergy be required to perform such a marriage in violation of their religious beliefs?”

But according to Carroll Conley, the executive director of the Maine Family Policy Council, supporters of natural marriage are ready to once again defend marriage as the union of one man and one woman: “Our ranks have grown as Mainers come to understand what the LGBT agenda means for families and our children’s sexual education in the public schools. We know that they will repress our religious freedom to remove our children from such classes.”

It is unfortunate that gay activists have chosen to put the people of Maine through another divisive campaign on an issue that was settled at the ballot in 2009. My hope is that the Secretary of State will reject the loaded language of the ballot question, Mainers will refuse to sign the petition, and the decision of the people will be allowed to stand.


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