Lobby for your values next week

Dear Friends of the Family,

First, I want to thank all of you that came to the State House yesterday for the Judiciary Committee hearing on the Bathroom Bill. It is never easy to travel into the city, and sitting in uncomfortable chairs for hours waiting to testify before the Committee is too much for some people. Though the hearing started at 1:00 p.m., it did not wrap up until 9:45 in the evening with me being the last person to testify.  So we were able to get in the last word on why this bill is bad public policy! Again, many, many thanks to all of you who were able to come, as well as those of you who were in active prayer for us throughout yesterday afternoon.

We are working on a full report of the hearing, including videos of expert testimony, and will be posting it to the website as soon as it is ready.

With the hearing now in our rearview mirror, we turn our attention towards the next step in the process. Our annual Lobby Day, in partnership with the Coalition for Marriage & Family and Catholic Citizenship, will take place next TUESDAY at the State House. This is one of the most important events of the year. In fact, it is so important, that I am cutting my vacation trip to Bermuda short to fly back to be a part of the event. With supporters of the bill having their lobby day a week later, the timing could not be better.

Pro-Family Lobby Day
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 – 10 a.m.
The Great Hall – State House, Boston, MA

You will be receiving a crash-course on lobbying at the State House and receive a packet of information on some of the important policy battles taking place on Beacon Hill. You will then be sent out into the hallways on the building to meet with your state representative and state senator or a member of their staff.

With the Bathroom Bill being fresh on the minds of the legislators after yesterday’s hearing, it is important that we continue to present the truth about safety, privacy and modesty and remind them that this is a severely flawed piece of legislation. I ask you to strongly consider joining us for a few hours on Tuesday to lobby on not only the Bathroom Bill, but Laura’s Law, as well as the Maria Talks website.

For our families,

P.S. Our fellow residents in the western part of the state continue to struggle to rebuild after the major tornados that struck last week. Please CLICK HERE to donate today to the recovery efforts.


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