For three decades, Planned Parenthood has received billions in taxpayer funds. Despite being a billion-dollar-a-year corporation, Planned Parenthood annually receives $363,200,000 – 33 percent of its income – from “government grants and contracts,” that is, from taxpayer dollars.
By the group’s own admission, 97.6 percent of the “services” they provided for pregnant women in 2009 ended in the abortion of the women’s children, and only 2.4 percent involved prenatal care or adoption referral. Thirty-seven percent of Planned Parenthood’s total profit comes from their abortion income. Look at these very telling numbers from its report last year:
- 332,278 abortions
- 20,000 “other services”
- 0 mammograms
As part of the deal worked out last week between Speaker Boehner, Leader Reid and President Obama, the U.S. Senate will hold a vote tomorrow (or Friday) on a bill similar to the Pence Amendment that will cut off federal funding from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) and its affiliates. This will be the first time the Senate has voted on this legislation.
We have asked you several times over the last month to call Sen. Scott Brown on this issue, and we are asking you to do so once more. We still hold out hope that Sen. Brown will do the right thing and uphold his campaign promise to oppose government funding of abortion. Remind him that there are plenty of legitimate health clinics out there that will provide services to women other than abortion. And 99 percent of them probably haven’t been implicated in child prostitution, sex abuse, or statutory rape.
Sen. Scott Brown
Washington: 202.224.4543
Boston: 617.565.3170