Pro-life legislation becoming law in many states

While we still face an uphill battle to pass such commonsense legislation as “Laura’s Law,” A Woman’s Right to Know Bill, there are states around the country with huge conservative gains last election that are demonstrating what is possible when pro-life majorities and governors are a reality:

  • In Illinois, leaders are fighting the national heavyweight in Planned Parenthood. The abortion giant is pumping money into the state to kill HB 2093 that would tighten reporting requirements for sexual abuse–a law Cecile Richards’s organization routinely ignores in dozens of states.
  • Embryos are people too! And in Oklahoma, the House proved it by voting 86-8 to criminally charge people who destroy them for research or any other purpose (HB 1442).
  • After the gruesome discoveries in Kermit Gosnell’s clinic, Maryland delegates are trying to keep these horrors from happening in their state by passing legislation (HB 23 and SB 505) that would order abortion clinics to comply with the same safety standards as surgical facilities. A similar proposal just became law in Virginia.
  • In what is now the longest abortion waiting period in the country, South Dakotans are celebrating their new law, which requires women to wait three days before ending their pregnancy.

Read more about these and other pro-life victories in state legislators by visiting Family Research Council HERE.


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